The (Slightly Odd)Traits of a Book Collector by Camy Tang

Camy here. I was reading a book on my Nook the other day, Blue Like Jazz, which we’re going through in the college Bible study my husband and I are leading. After I finished the two chapters I needed to read before this coming week’s Bible study, I went to my Nook library.

I must have spent a good 10 minutes just browsing through my Nook library, looking at all my lovely books, most of which I haven’t read yet, feeling such joy just to have them ready to read anytime I want (assuming I actually have time to read them all–at this point, I might have more books than I can physically read in my lifetime).

I kept seeing a cover and thinking, Oh, I forgot I had that book! How wonderful I have it!

Then I took a step back and looked at what I was doing. I see nothing wrong with it, but Captain Caffeine would probably roll his eyes at me, mostly because he’s not a book collector. (Actually, he’s not really a collector of anything, unless it’s empty boxes that he can’t get himself to throw away. 🙂

Does anybody else relate to my love of having all these books????

About Camy Tang/Camille Elliot

Camy writes romantic suspense as Camy Tang and Regency romance as USA Today bestselling author Camille Elliot. She is a staff worker for her church youth group and leads one of the Sunday worship teams. Visit her websites at and to read free short stories and subscribe to her quarterly newsletter.
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12 Responses to The (Slightly Odd)Traits of a Book Collector by Camy Tang

  1. Raising my hand and waving, Camy! We just moved the bookshelves in our house and I’m having such a hard time getting all the books back in the shelves because every time I pick one up I think, “Oh, that was a good one.” Then I’ll flip through the pages or remember what was happening in my life when I read it. Especially dear are the out of print, hard to find ones! Then on my kindle I sometimes do the same as you–browse through and remember and think how lovely it is that they are sitting there, ready for me to read.


  2. Maureen Lang says:

    I’m with you, too, Camy! I do periodically try to give away/donate books just because they would take over my study if I let them. I’m afraid I raised my daughter with the same addiction. She has an entire bedroom in her condo dedicated to books (much to the chagrin of her husband).
    I suppose the Kindles and Nooks are the best answer to this, all that storage without taking up any room. And when one goes out of print it won’t matter, we’ll still have ours safely tucked away in the cloud.
    But that somehow doesn’t satisfy my need to browse for more physical books. Sometimes they’re just nice to have around, and new ones are as promising and exciting as old ones are pleasurable.


    • I’ve been slowly trying to replace some of my books with ebooks, but for those books that don’t have ebook copies, I’m so sad! Especially some out of print hardcover books that are older than I am! Just the feel of that old paper is wonderful. I treasure those more than anything else in my house.


  3. JKW says:

    Yes, I have stacks and stacks of books and books in front of books and I need to give them up, but can’t quite do that. . . . . yet. However, I do have books on the iPad, but I do not like to read them on it because I want to hold, it smell it, feel it, turn the pages and be a part of it. Electronic doesn’t do it for me. I’ve read ONE book electronically and haven’t been back to it!!! Blessings, Janet


    • Janet, I’m the opposite–I love reading ebooks on my iPad or Nook because I can prop it up and read while knitting (something simple that I don’t have to look at, like a sock) or eat (something healthy … most of the time. 🙂


  4. YES! I have over a thousand books on my Kindle and I keep getting more books (both physical and ebooks). My husband just had to build be a book shelf… it’s not big enough. And I have 2 Kindles and 1 Kindle app (on my iPod). I may have a problem….


  5. Caron Tweet says:

    I just love you!!! Because I do the exact same thing!! My husband seriously moans when he walks into our library, it’s over-flowing into another 2 rooms! He thought that once I got my Kindle I wouldn’t buy as many books, I have more!! (and he has a few shelves too) Because I have at least 2 full book cases of unread books & now my Kindle is filling! Ha ha ha, I have to agree with every comment being left here. It feels so wonderful to know there are others like me out there!!!!!


  6. seam31 says:

    Yes, I can relate — not only with Kindle books, but with old fashioned hard and soft cover books, as well. My husband looked at my Kindle last night and said something about how many books I have on it.


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